Thursday, July 7, 2016

Pacific Circlers Gift Exchange

One of our Cruise Critic activities on board was a Pirate Gift Exchange.  The Idea was that everyone would buy a gift up to the value of $10. The theme, something that you find handy on a cruise.  

Most people put a lot of thought and went to great efforts with their gifts.  We had magnetic clips, plastic wine glasses, fancy lanyards, adult colouring book with Pencils (no not that type of adult book), fluffy pink handcuffs (yes, that type of handcuffs ) crosswords, sudokus, etc, oh and also that talking bottle opener.

 There were some who were a little unfair in what they contributed, and I felt the embarrassment as some gifts were opened.  It wasn’t till a couple days later that it was brought to my attention that a receiver sat down with his T-shirt, and on closer investigation, found the Princess laundry tag still attached.  This was quite upsetting and he walked out early.  Moving forward, I think we will ask for names and cabin no’s to be attached to the gift so recipients can be thanked in person!!
Getting that off my chest, I will now move forward and say what a great time we had.  Thanks Janet from the Northern Territory: her gift was her autobiography of her life as a part of the Royal Flying Doctors Service.  Well this gift became the hot potato of the day.  It was the most stolen gift where people didn’t get a chance to put their bums back down on the seat, before it was stolen again.  In the end it was easier to have the holder of the book stand up front with me! A lot of jokes and a lot of laughs.
Anyway, thankyou to all who attended and thankyou to those who helped make it a fun day…
And so it is “Sea La Vie” from the beautiful Sun Princess. 

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